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Delivering Excellent Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service means going the extra mile in making sure a customer is happy and satisfied with a company's products or services. It also involves providing service to a customer in a timely, pleasant manner. In order to provide excellent customer service, one needs superb communication and problem resolution skills.

1. It takes ages to solve the problem

2. Customer is being transferred over and over

3. Staff don’t know and doesn’t admit that

4. Favors that cannot be done

5. Customer has received a faulty product

Keep your cool and stay professional. Listen and let the customer blow off some steam. Acknowledge the problem of the customer, by this you lower his or her defenses, and win the right to be heard. Get the facts, to help you understand the situation, get as many details as possible. Lastly, offer a solution. Let the customer know you are willing to take ownership of the issue, even if it was out of your control. Take charge of the situation and let the customer know what you are going to do to solve the problem.

Customer Service That Satisfies

Quick follow-up phone calls a few days later to make sure everything is OK is icing on the cake. Even a small gesture of apology can turn this interaction from disaster to legendary. The cost could be minimal—may be a simple upgrade on the customer’s next purchase or a small gift certificate. A simple gesture like this could result in a future referral or a positive word-of-mouth marketing recommendation.

When you resolve customer complaints successfully, you will better understand their needs, retain them as loyal customers, and enhance your business.

I hope the tips that I shared will be helpful as you will take your first step in your #customer service career. Want to know more or need a customer service representative head to this site.


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